Aspirational Author

About Me


My Work


 I'm an annoying over achiever who after 30 plus years in the law, running businesses, raising kids and step kids, doing community work,  decided to change gears  to pursue a more balanced life in the country. A  year and a half  later- and , well  ….nah,   rural life is great, but balance is not for me. I need to  add in a new trade altogether- writing  for pleasure (mine, and just maybe, yours).    Here, on this page are my entire published works to date....More to follow....



Fan club

Well, so far - it's pretty much just  Mum- Yup that's her, and yes- I do thank her regularly for he genetics which hopefully mean MY skin will look like that at 90.  


Join Me

Well -  if you're keen - subscribe to my blog  . If you're not, don't .